Vocational Areas

John Grant High School

Nestled in Cote-St-Luc within a few moments' walk of beautiful Trudeau Park, John Grant High School has its own green splendor in its own backyard.  The school is surrounded by beautiful green fields and mature trees that provide shade on sunny days.  Students use the vast green space with 3 regulation soccer fields, a baseball diamond and a partially enclosed school yard (soon to undergo major renovation) for recreation as well as for class activities.   

Students use the space to grow plants, to gather, for recreation at recess and lunch and to participate in outdoor classes.  Students also enjoy access to the adjacent Caldwell tennis courts, and free access with their class to the pools in the aquatic and community center across the street.   

Our students are also stewards of the land, actively participating in green initiatives to keep the land clean.  While the school and surrounding land are property of the English Montreal School Board, it also serves as a vibrant part of the Cote-St-Luc community through partnership agreements outside of school hours.